January 20,2014
oh my goodness time is going way to fast! I don't like it.... oh my this past week. I don't even know how to put it into words. Missions are crazy stressful! and Crazy hard! and so incredibly worth it. This past week I have been struggling a bit with my emotions and just feeling overwhelmed with things. It's been hard. But through it all I have felt an incredible connection to the Holy Ghost. I have had strong promptings that have led me to know where to go and what to say. They have led me to know how to handle my current trial. It's been a testimony trying and a testimony building week!!!
So cool experience time. So on Saturday night we were sitting in our apartment working on something when all of a sudden I was like. Sister Haskell we need to go see Harriett Brings. Sister Brings is a less active woman who we have only actually met one time. But the spirit told me that was where we needed to go. So we dropped everything and went to her house. She was home and let us right in. As we talked with her the spirit was so strong. The entire lesson was so led by the spirit. later as we talked about it Sister Haskell was like I didn't even know what I was saying until it came out of my mouth! But everything she said the spirit testified to me was true and the right things to say. As we talked with her she really opened up and told us the reason she left the church and has never come back. But as we sat there the spirit hit me so strong and told me that she was ready to come back. I know that it will be an incredibly difficult journey for her but with our Father in Heaven's help she will be able to do it. Our other less active Sister Haskell (not my companion :) ) is doing AMAZING! She came to church last sunday for all 3 hours, then she came to the relief socitey activity on tuesday night and brought her non-member daughter. Then Friday she called us to ask about the baptism on Saturday (the Elder's investigator got baptized. It was awesome!) and then she came to that and then church again on Sunday for all 3 hours!!!!!! so basically she is amazing and doing wonderful! we are super excited for her. Oh ya we also stayed with the Sister who serve in the Mt. Rushmore ward for two nights last week. (sister Johnson and Sister Ransom) who are also our sister training leaders. it was way fun and they are super awesome sisters. But we do again have hot water so that is awesome! Super excited for that :) It was nice to be able to take a shower in my own bathroom again. Yesterday was Sister Ransom and Elder Salmon (he served in Grand Forks with Sister Ransom and I, He was in the other ward there and now he is a zone leader here in Rapid) anyway it was there birthdays yesterday. So last night we went to the Kearsleys apartment ( they are a senior couple who works in the mission office) and had cake and ice cream. It was super fun. all the missionaries who serve here in rapid where there. so 4 sets of elders and 4 sets of sisters! we took pictures as soon as I get them I will send them home. Sister Ransom is supposed to send them to me. Ok so did you decided if you are going to go to her home coming? I was going to email her mom with moms info or give mom her mom's email so you could work it out and figure out where it is and when. But she is from Orem so it's not too far from home :) This week has been hard but so worth it. I know that everything will be okay. Heavenly Father loves us all oh so much!! That is exciting that you are having the missionaries over for dinner. be nice to them!!!!! :) and give them rides when they run out of miles. and feed them yummy food! What's funny is that my Bishop here in Rapid, his son is serving in the Utah Provo mission right now. but I thought our stake was apart of the Lehi mission? is there Lehi mission? I could just be going crazy. It's a very real possibility. Also I am super excited to hear who our new bishop will be! what is the name of the new stake president? It will be weird to come home and report to someone that I don't know. But like you said Mom he has been called of God and that is what is most important. It's weird that this all happened while I am out on my mission! speaking of missionaries does our ward have anyone else who is out right now? (besides me, Marie, and Ethan.) The ward I serve in here in Rapid has literally like 8 missionaries right now. it's crazy! plus two more getting read to leave. But then I guess two of them are about to come home too. Well I think that is all about my crazy week. I love you all and miss you all as well! I LOVE YOU!!! Love always, your favorite sister missionary, Sister Boudreaux
January 13, 2014
) so like I said this week has been crazy! but really good too!!! we taught 14 lessons! which is the most lessons that I have taught since I got here! it also ties the most lessons that I have taught on my mission. So that was good! we taught 11 less active lessons this past week which is crazy! but good too! We also found a new investigator! so that was exciting. So we found a less active named Sister Haskell ( who is not related to my companion) and she came to church yesterday and stayed for all 3 hours! it was amazing! it was the first time she has come to church in years! so we were super excited. and then Sister Haatija who is our amazing less active who decided that after years of being away from the church she needed to give it a second chance, she stayed for all of church too!! and we had two other less actives come! it was a good sunday as far as seeing less active members at church. Also because church was cancelled last week because of the crazy weather we had testimony meeting yesterday. There are some of the sweetest little kids in this ward who bear their testimonies! It reminds me of home :) so great. I really do love this ward. so I got a letter from Jadyn ( the cute girl from grand forks who is getting baptized in march) and she told me that she has decided to go to BYU Provo for school!!!! which is awesome because that means when I get home next october she will be in her freshman year of college and I will totally be able to see her!!!! super duper excited for that. also she and I are both praying that I can get transferred back to fargo :) (well I am of course praying that the Lord will send me where ever I am needed but I do add in a side note that if there is anyway that I could be at her baptism I would really appreciate it :) ) So our district recently has been really struggling. So a few weeks ago we shared with them how sister haskell and I had developed this new motto, Pull a Nike and Just do it! so Elder Plitt our district leader called us wed. morning and asked us if we would be willing to give a short training to the district about our new motto. We were like sure! and so we prayed about it and planned it out during our studies. I was able to share a quote by Elder Holland that Lindsey sent to me at the start of my mission about how important that it is that we work hard in our missions,not to baptize everyone but because it's what is expected of us. That if we don't work as hard as we can then it will be our fault that these people don't come unto the gospel. He talks about how you should give everything you have when you don't think that you can and especially when you don't want to. I was then able to share the experience that Sister Ransom and I had in Grand Forks (which was a little bit odd because she is in my district.) about how we had been working SO incredibly hard and we had NO ONE to teach. but we just kept going. and sometimes I would think to myself why? why are we working so hard? what is the point. but we kept going and eventually the Lord blessed us with Brianna Poppe. I told them about how I had a moment during Brianna's baptismal service where I had an overwhelming feeling of joy. a feeling that this was exactly why we had worked so hard. and I thought to myself that if I had to do it all again, I would. Because that moment made it all worth it. We had some other really great thoughts at district meeting and we all committed to working hard. To pull a Nike and just do it!! and this past week we hit every single one of the goals we set besides one! The only thing that we didn't hit was having investigators at church. We needed one more to show up and we would have hit that goal too And not only did we hit all the other goals but we exceed every. single. one. The Lord blesses us when we work hard. :) We had zone training meeting this past week too and it was so great! such a powerful meeting. I really enjoyed it! We are lucky here in Rapid because President and Sister Anderson are able to attend some of our zone meetings, where in other parts of the mission you only really see them once every other transfer. in my first 7.5 months as a missionary I only ever saw my mission president twice. Both times for zone conferences. Since being here in Rapid I have seen him at least once a week if not more. anyways back to our meeting. so at the end we were singing I'll go where you want me to go. and Sister Ransom was sitting at the front of the room because she had been giving part of the training as a sister training leader and she just started to cry! (because she is going home soon) and of course seeing her cry made me cry. so after the meeting I told her that I loved her! and I told her that I am the missionary I am today because of her. She grabbed my hand and said 'I love you Sister Boudreaux'. I just love that girl so much! I am going to miss her when she goes home. But the good news is that Orem is not very far away from American Fork!! :) I have also decided that you should go to her homecoming! so you can meet her :) I will see what I can do to find out when and where it will be. She goes home the first week of February. I will keep you updated. Well I don't think there is anything else to write home about! life is good! this church is true!! and I love you all with all of my heart!!!!!!!! Love always your favorite sister missionary, Sister Boudreaux